Hydroprocessing In Refineries

Ensure your hydroprocessing reliably supports your daily production quotas and environmental protection needs.

Hydroprocessing Process Description


Hydroprocessing covers a range of catalytic processes including hydrotreating and hydrocracking for removal of sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen and metals. The process is critical in the production of low sulfur fuels to reduce emissions, as removing the S reduces SOx emissions when fuels are combusted. Sulfur also poisons downstream noble metal reformer catalysts and must be removed (<0.5 ppm S is a typical naphtha feed spec). This “clean-up” also saturates olefins to yield easier-to-process intermediates.


Reaction & Catalysts:


The reaction is carried out in a hydrogen rich environment over a fixed catalyst bed. The process replaces sulfur or nitrogen contaminants in the hydrocarbon chains with hydrogen, making the process a consumer of hydrogen. Protection of the catalyst beds from fouling is critical to maintaining long term hydrotreating efficiency. Treated products are then stabilized with heat to remove H2S and light ends. Use of direct steam injection is common, especially on diesel.


Refinery Needs from Hydroprocessing


  • Achieve production quotas of low sulfur gasolines and diesels via reliable hydrotreatment of straight run and cracked products that otherwise become a bottleneck
  • Provide consistent “clear and bright” transportation fuel quality
  • Protect against downtime from fouling of the feed/effluent heat exchanger
  • Protect against downtime from catalyst bed differential pressure rise
  • Protect against downtime from premature loss of catalyst activity
  • Meet steadily increasing clean fuels specifications
  • Reduce hazy product issues and high salt costs from overloaded downstream salt beds
  • Achieve dryness specifications downstream of vacuum dryers and avoid dryer bottlenecking due to excessive water


Production Challenge/Pall Solution In Hydroprocessing

Challenge - Unscheduled Downtime


Shortened campaigns and unscheduled downtime due to bed fouling and reduced catalyst bed activity.



Improve refinery productivity and extend hydrotreater/hydrocracker bed life by removing solids from the feed to protect the feed/effluent heat exchanger and/or catalyst bed. 


  •  A range of absolute and nominal rated filter elements is available to reduce suspended solids levels in the feed, to protect the exchanger and/or catalyst bed from fouling.



Challenge - Meeting Product Specifications


Products failing to meet specifications due to stripper fouling, or from solids and water carryover after direct injection steam stripping.



Improve product quality by removal of water and solids both upstream and downstream of the steam stripper.


  •  A range of absolute and nominal rated filter elements is available to reduce suspended solids to <5 ppmw, and extend the coalescer life.
  •  High efficiency PhaseSep®, AquaSep® Plus or XS liquid/liquid coalescers reliably meet ‘clear and bright’ product specification and/or reduce the cost for downstream dehydration.




Challenge – Fouling & Erosion of Compressor


Hydrogen recycle and makeup gas compressors requiring rebuilds and downtime due to liquid and solid carryover from separator causing severe fouling and erosion of compressor internals.



Reduced maintenance of the recycle and make-up gas compressors by removal of liquids and solids in the hydrogen recycle stream from separator. 


  •  KO pots, mesh pads, cyclonic devices and conventional filter-separators may not effectively remove aerosol-sized liquid hydrocarbon droplets or fine solids.
  •  High efficiency SepraSol™ Plus and Medallion™ HP liquid/gas coalescers provide 99.999% removal at 0.3 microns per the DOP test and 1 ppb downstream per the modified ANSI/CAGI400-1999 test procedure. Both provide excellent compressor protection.

Diagram of Hydroprocessing




Key Application/Filter Recommendations For Hydroprocessing (other applications not shown)



Hydrotreater feed filtration

Customer Benefits


Assured HDT profitability by protection from unscheduled reactor downtime or off-spec product due to exchanger fouling, catalyst bed activity loss or high delta P due to bed fouling


Hydrotreater feed water removal


Assured HDT profitability by protection from unscheduled reactor downtime or off-spec product due to exchanger fouling, catalyst bed activity loss or high delta P due to bed fouling


Liquid/liquid coalescer protection


Low operating costs by ensuring long coalescer life while meeting particulate specifications for final products


Sour water removal from hydrotreated product


Reduced steam stripper corrosion and capacity loss


Liquid/liquid coalescer protection


Low operating costs by ensuring long coalescer life while meeting particulate specifications for final products


Water removal from stabilized product


AquaSep XS or AquaSep Plus liquid/liquid coalescers


Reliably meet ‘clear and bright’ final product specification


Improve water removal via downstream vacuum dryers by removing the free water load, enabling full vacuum attainment and maximum drying efficiency


Hydrocarbon removal from sour water


AquaSep EL or PhaseSep liquid/liquid coalescers


Reduced contamination load to sour water stripper reduces stripper maintenance costs, capacity loss and extra loading on water treatment plant


Hydrogen recycle and make-up gas compressors protection


SepraSol™ Plus and Medallion™ HP liquid/gas coalescers


Eliminate cost and revenue losses due to compressor rebuilds and unscheduled downtime due to fouling


Low NOx burner protection


SepraSol™ Plus and Medallion™ HP liquid/gas coalescers


Elimination of burner tip fouling leading to burner maintenance costs, potential unit downtime or productivity loss due to poor burner performance



For fast track upgrades, NO CAPEX:


Pall replacement filter and Coalescer retrofits enable a move to Pall quality without change to your existing filter housing


Pall filter and coalescer housing rentals enable a technology upgrade for rapid problem resolution

For more information on improving the efficiency of your processes, contact our team of filtration experts.

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