Cathode Active Materials

Explore advanced filtration solutions for cathode active materials that improve contamination control, enhancing efficiency and quality.




What is Cathode Active Materials?


Cathode Active Materials (CAMs) are crucial components in the cathode of a battery, particularly in lithium-ion batteries. These materials undergo electrochemical reactions that enable the storage and release of electrical energy. The choice of CAM significantly impacts the battery's performance, energy density, cycle life, and safety.


Challenges faced by CAM manufacturers


Manufacturers of CAM encounter numerous challenges due to the inclusion of various other chemicals in CAM, and the need to meet specific particle size distribution, preserve crystal structure, control surface area and porosity, and adhere to rigorous contaminant level specifications.

Watch our video to explore the transformative CAM process and understand how essential filtration enhances battery performance.

Pall Corporation: The Filtration Experts in CAM


Pall Corporation offers a wide range of purification and filtration products to optimize manufacturing processes. Our filtration solutions improve product purity, achieve the desired crystal size, and effectively eliminate contaminants. This helps producers meet cell assembly specifications and boost production yields.


The process schematic for the CAM process below outlines the essential purification steps, beginning with raw materials, advancing through the precursor stage, and concluding with the final CAM product.


Typical Process Flow Sheet for Cathode Active Material Manufacturing

Filtration locations in the CAM manufacturing process


NoApplicationFiltration ValuePall Product
1Metal Sulfate Solutions to offload tankMeet high purity specs for CAM ProductionMeta Mesh Filter
2Metal Sulfate Solution to CrystallizerMeet high purity specs for CAM Production4.5 Micron Filter
3NaOH + NH4OHRemove undissolved salts, iron oxides and other solid contaminants0.5 Micron Filter
4Mother Liquor and Water WashRecover mixed metal hydroxidesRegenerable Filter
5DI WaterReduce dissolved metals and solid fines in CAM slurry0.2 - 10 Micron Filters
6Gas Filtration (O2, CDA, CFA, N2)Remove fine particles from gasses0.3 Micron Filters
7Hot Gas from FurnacesRecover fine CAM particlesHot Gas Blowback Filter


Learn more about the solution that can support your applications or contact an expert today.

Enhance your process by speaking to one of our filtration experts in cathode active material production